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UV Reporter

Instant UV: a new paradigm to close the disinfection gap

Health Europa reports a growing body of research shines light on the need to augment existing disinfection protocols with no-touch and chemical-free methods, such as Instant UV.Infectious disease specialists will agree: controlling the spread of pathogens continues to be a daunting task and this is especially true within healthcare facilities such as hospitals. The US…

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Architects and urban designers are finding ways to adapt the spaces we live and work in amid the coronavirus pandemic,  Pablo Robles, Darren Long, Dennis Wong, Brian Wang and Adolfo Arranz at South China Morning Post report. Through history, they have joined the fight against infectious diseases. In the 1800s, Georges-Eugene Haussmann, commonly known as Baron Haussmann, led a vast…

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Surgical Site Infections: What Surgeons Should Know About Their Hospital’s Cleaning Program

In an opinion piece published last week in General Surgery News, David Taylor urges surgeons to learn more about their hospital’s cleaning programs and technology:Many patients experience pain postoperatively related to their surgery. Unfortunately, far too many operations result in a surgical site infection. Doctors and hospitals may say infections following surgeries are a potential…

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Fighting illness with air handling

Phil de Haan at School News Network explores what schools are doing to sanitize the air students, staff and teachers share:It’s mid-morning on a warm and sunny March day, and 21 fourth-grade students are back in the classroom after recess.Many local districts are seeking ways to increase air circulation in buildings as a way to…

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Franklin may be first in Massachusetts to install this coronavirus-killing technology in its schools, town buildings

Lauren Young at The Milford Daily News reports an ultraviolet technology proven to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is being installed in Franklin public schools and town buildings, and it could be one of the state’s first communities to use it on the local level. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) technology was first installed at Franklin High School in May and…

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HKUST Develops More Efficient Disinfection Method with Ultraviolet LED reports researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have discovered a novel way to enhance the efficiency of the ultraviolet (UVC) light-emitting diode (LED) disinfection technique, and developed a closet that could kill 99.99% of the bacteria and viruses on the garment inside within a minute. The closet is now…

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BrainLit’s BioCentric Lighting™ personalizes natural daylight indoors to improve the lives of people

Sweden-based BrainLit AB introduced to the U.S. market a new kind of lighting technology scientifically-proven to enhance the minds, well-being, and physical performance of people. BioCentric Lighting™ (BCL™), created by one of the inventors of Bluetooth technology, Tord Wingren, is the world’s first lighting system that can learn from and respond to an individual’s unique biology.Independent studies have…

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UV Care keeps your home and workplace free from viruses and bacteria — Read more from

Local government units are imposing special lockdowns and curfews to help curb the alarming rise in coronavirus cases, issuing supplemental guidelines on the implementation of General Community Quarantine. These include a city-wide 10pm to 5am curfew, banning of liquor and requiring workplaces and establishments to conduct frequent and thorough disinfection of high-touch objects and equipment…

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Innovators in Japan Are Developing New Technologies to Counter Coronavirus

Via, the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF JAPAN reports as the global coronavirus pandemic continues, the world is searching for new measures that will minimize the risk of infection while allowing essential institutions such as hospitals, government, and schools to continue to function. In any public health plan for public spaces, issues that must be…

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Germicidal UV FAQs discussing Infection Control, Operation, Installation, Maintenance, Technology, Research and other topics were updated this week. The updated FAQs — compiled and published at — relate:Infection ControlCan UV-C Inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19?Researchers now know that the 254 nm germicidal wavelength can inactivate the genetic material in the SARS-CoV-2 virus [i].…

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