Nitride Semiconductors Co., Ltd. brought a patent infringement action against Digi-Key Corporation d/b/a Digi-Key Electronics in U.S. District Court in Minnesota. In the lawsuit Nitride complains Digi-Key is improperly using U.S. Patent No. 6,861,270 , entitled “Method for ManufacturingGallium Nitride Compound Semiconductor and Light Emitting Element” which is used in ultraviolet (“UV”) light-emitting diode (“LED”)…
Posts published in “Legal”
Proximity Systems, Inc., delivered its Answer to a Complaint filed by UV Partners, Inc., in the U.S. District Court in Houston alleging infringement of patents related to ultraviolet (UV-C) light-based disinfecting products. UV Partners says Proximity — rather than selling UV Angel products under a 2015 distributorship agreement — crafted and sells its UV-CLEAN product…
Mouser Electronics, Inc, advised the U.S. District Court in Dallas it is attempting to settle the patent infringement lawsuit filed by Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETi) in mid-January. Paul V. Story and Colleen E. McKnight at Foley & Lardner LLP, representing Mouser, say the parties have engaged in settlement talks and will continue to do…
Photoscience Japan Corp. turned to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California to stop Pacific Ultraviolet Inc. and Fugui Meng a/k/a/ Meng Fugi of Colorado from allegedly misusing the Photoscience name and trademarks at to promote and advertise ultraviolet water treatment equipment products and related products.20-cv-11013-0001Download
In a lawsuit filed in Lexington, Ky., last week, DELTA T, LLC, d/b/a Big Ass Fans, accuses AmeriWind (associated with AutoVent LLC and Kevin Hoover) in Oley, Pa., of advertising, promoting, offering for sale, and, perhaps.selling counterfeit goods bearing Big Ass Fan’s trademark yellow-tipped large-scale fans. 21-cv-00028-0001DownloadSee for additional information about Big Ass Fan’s…
See dental profession is considered at high potential risk of exposure and transmission of SARS-Cov-2. Thus, dentists should implement special safety measures in order to prevent any possible contamination during dental sessions and should be aware of the legal implications of their act in order to avoid malpractice leading them to be a causative…
FOMO CORP. (US OTC: ETFM) is pleased to announce that a Strategic Alignment Agreement has been signed between its wholly owned subsidiary, Purge Virus, LLC (PV) and AGILE Technologies Group, LLC (AGILE), a provider of highly accurate, FDA approved point-of-care rapid COVID-19 testing, technology-based screening, contact tracing, and COVID-19 safety solutions. A description of AGILE’s…
Sensor Electronic Technology, Inc. (SETi), sued Mouser Electronics, Inc, this week in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, complaining about patent infringement and to protect its valuable patented technology related to ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. A UV LED, SETi explains to the court, is a semiconductor device that converts electrical energy into…
Five parents sued their children’s school district, board of education and superintendent in an effort to have their children learn in school buildings outfitted with more than $1 million of bipolar ionization filtration, HVAC improvements, antibacterial surface tape, thermal scanners, and ultraviolet light disinfecting equipment, according to a TAPInfo report.
Healthe, Inc. filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for Middle District of Florida on Dec. 8, 2020, against High Energy Ozone LLC d/b/a Far-UV SterilrayTM, S. Edward Neister, and Pathogen Path Consulting LLC. Healthe asks the court to make it clear its Healthe EntryTM, Healthe SpaceTM, Healthe AirTM, and Healthe Air 2.0TM products…